Sunday, September 2, 2012

Park, Nature Walk, and Library with Friends!

Still enjoying the last days of summer. I have to admit, I am excited for shorter days, colder nights, and the upcoming holidays!

This face tells you all you need to know about her attitude lately.
Jayden finally made it all the way to through the monkey bars! This was a huge thing for him. He and I have had so many discussions about the monkey bars. He wanted me to hold him through it because he was scared. I told him that he was strong enough to get through it without me carrying him, but I would be right there in case he fell (life lesson, anyone?). What I loved best about this whole thing is that even though he was scared, he kept trying. He would always freak after the second bar, but he went back and tried again and again.
 Suddenly he was at the fourth bar, and I kept cheering him on.
He was really proud of himself for making it through to the end, and so was I. His hands burned but he was thrilled with his accomplishment.
 After that, I got conned into joined everyone for a nature walk. Have I mentioned how gross I think bugs/snakes/etc. are? If there were just trees and pretty animals, like deer, I'd be fine with a nature walk. But Cait grabbed a big log and all I saw was the end of a snake slithering deeper into the pile. I nearly ran.
Carolyn and Olivia found some little frogs in the pile. Carolyn was brave enough to even try to catch one for Olivia.  1. note how far away I am from the pile, taking this picture. 2. the camera was zoomed in, so I look like I am closer than I really am.
 Thankfully, we went back to the park.

Earlier this week, Juan was sick and actually (for the first time ever!!) called out of work. I decided to take the kids and disappear so he could rest quietly. I'm an awesome wife, I know. (I won't mention that he got sick because he caught my cold. I also won't mention that he let me sleep in until 10:30 on his only day off so that I could get rest. If I mention it, then he gets to be awesome too) So I, being as fabulous as I am, decided to make him a big pot of chicken noodle soup and braved the scorching heat.

We stopped at the air conditioned library. The kids spent time on the computer, doing puzzles, and picking books.

The heat nearly cooked us. We went through SIX bottles of water in a couple of hours. We had a picnic lunch in the only shaded area we could find. The kids were so thirsty they even grudgingly sipped on May's lemon water. I wish I had a picture of their face when they tasted it. It was PRICELESS!

Finally someone suggested we switch parks. Talk about a brilliant idea. The other park is almost completely shaded by huge beautiful trees.

Most surprising thing of the day: these two got along. The heat must have made them temporarily insane.

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