Wednesday, November 16, 2011

School & Science

Today was a hot mess. Crabby kids. Crabby mom. Yea. School was NOT in session today. BUT here is how our day went yesterday:

Jayden did his math, spelling, reading comprehension and writing while Cait worked on tracing numbers, shapes, her dot activity and her puzzles (which she does in NO time now!!)

Then we had a playdate with a fellow HSing mom at Imajine That. The kids did face painting and ran around like maniacs after enjoying their lunch there (which is definitely a rare treat!)

Next we headed to science class to make play doh!I can't remember the recipe, but I do remember vinegar was involved! YUCK!

Not pleased with the vinegar stench!

 As always, Cait was such a trooper! She loved getting messy!

 They ran around for a bit longer and then we left!

Tomorrow is going to be a long day! We have a play date at Olivia's house, followed by the library, swim class and another science class at Imajine That! Stay tuned for pics!

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