Sunday, March 31, 2013

Vacation Part 2!

The day after we arrived we were all pretty pooped but we didn't want to waste any time. So we headed off to the park.

 Cait did her best on the monkey bars but did not have enough strength to make it through.

Right on her butt!
Jayden claimed he could not do the monkey bars but after he was bribed with money *cough cough titi Nay!*, he suddenly was able to make it across.

Once we were done we took a nature walk behind the park. There were lots of trees planted from all over the world. I had fabulous intentions of labeling the trees from their respective places on my pictures. Somehow they never went beyond intentions though.

We found an upside picture which we thought was interesting.
 And finally there was a memorial set up for all of our war heroes. We salute you!
To be continued...

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