Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I have been slacking on the blogging! Oops! Sometimes life gets in the way.

We have still be working on school. I have still been taking a ton of pictures. A whole lot of pictures.

Jayden is loving karate.

Starting off with a pledge which includes being a leader, eating your vegetables, and keeping your room clean

Warm ups!
Deshi helping Jayden with a karate move
Ending with the pledge
Grandpa & Lisa were visiting that weekend. So after karate, we went to their hotel and the kids went swimming. They were ecstatic to show off their new skills.

I don't know if it was the smaller pool or the bigger audience, but Caitlin felt confident enough to jump into the pool all by herself. Usually she wants her teacher to hold her hand. This time she said "I can do it by my own self mom!"
 And she did!
Hot tub
The following week we met up for our Minecraft game with Owen.

During swimming class later that week Miss Scarlett was pleasantly surprised when Cait jumped in by her "own self."

I love these kinds of pictures of Caitlin. You see her swimming her ass off!

Mr. Cool

During the week that I last posted we made a few changes to our curriculum. Jayden decided he no longer liked Time4Learning and Caitlin decided she wanted to try it. After a quick phone call to the company, the grade, username, and password were all changed and set up for Little Miss.

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