Monday, October 14, 2013

Respiratory System

It's been 10 days since my last update!! Things have been SUPER busy here, but rest assured, school has NOT been put on the back burner. Only the blog has. But I have a ton of posts coming to update you on the fabulousness that has been happening here! 

We recently worked on the respiratory system.
The kids followed the lab directions and did certain exercises.

We recorded how many breaths they took. Then the kids filled out their graphs.

Our second respiratory lab showed the path of oxygenated blood, as well as the path of blood which lacked oxygen.

And finally, we completed the respiratory system with a craft from our Scholastic Easy Make & Learn Human Body book. Using our craft, we discussed how the rib cage and diaphragm work together to draw in and force out air from the chest cavity.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Ending the Circulatory System

Last week we completed our unit on the circulatory system. We made a model heart using our Scholastic Easy Make & Learn Human Body book (found it free here!!)

We used blue yarn to represent the path of blood with no oxygen. Then we used pink (we had no red yarn) to represent the path of blood with oxygen.
We also worked on a lab as well. The kids colored in their lab sheet, showing what a drop of blood looks like under a microscope.

Then we made a blood sample using lemon juice (plasma), red hot candies (red blood cells), dry lentils (platelets) and dry lima beans (white blood cells).

 We discussed the 4 parts of blood and learned that not all of the parts are red.

We added everything into the jar, saving the red hots for last. Once we added in the candy, the "blood" sample began to turn red. The children came to the conclusion that red blood cells make blood red.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Jayden started Flag Football!!!! He is so happy!! We practice several times a week, throwing and catching the ball. We also practice running back and forth in the yard to work on speed and endurance.

 Look at that smile!!

 Cait is still doing fabulous in soccer.

 She scored two goals last week!

And finally, they are working on earning their third stripe in karate. It is still some weeks away. Sensei Dean continues to be an amazing teacher, reminding them to use manners, be patient, and always show respect.

Monday, September 30, 2013


Jayden LOVES legos! When we heard about a basic engineering class that meets twice a month and was taught with legos, we knew it would be perfect.

May will be taking Hayzel Jr. as well, and kindly offered to take Jayden with her to the class. I wasn't there so I am going to pretend that's the reason why I have no knowledge about what is going on. This is an excerpt from the curriculum that they will be using from now until November.

"... students will build simple and motorized machines learning about levers, pulleys, measurements, gear ratios, and much more. Children work in small groups to first build mechanisms based on lesson instructions and when familiar with the challenge children will
be asked to improve on the design."

All I know is Jayden came home ecstatic! He loved the class, loved being partnered off, and loved using legos!

Cait and I spent that time alone together reading, playing, and just chit chatting. I wanted to sign her up for a preschool class during that block of time but it hasn't worked out so far.

Friday, September 27, 2013

School days

Caitlin has declared her Bob books to be too easy (I disagree!) and has decided to branch out to other titles. She continues to practice her reading daily, whether it is her reading to me, her babies, or to herself.

Jayden is super excited about math more than ever. He has finally reached the multiplication/division section of his math textbook. He is literally begging me to do extra math work on a daily basis!

The unifix cubes have proved to be very useful with multiplication and division!

We also finished up our history unit on Hammurabi by making our own Hammurabi Code of Laws. We bought a red foam board and cut it in a weird looking shape (since clay tablets weren't always perfect, not because I am awful at cutting straight lines).

We added our own family rules to the code and, of course, added it up to our history line.