Friday, September 21, 2012

Almost time for Halloween!

The morning started off with the kids "hiding," you know, since we can't see two lumps there.
We headed off to Salem Fest, an annual event that has a bouncy house, face painting, and tons of things for sale. Including cookies. Lots of cookies...
Bouncy House

Face Painting

"The Emerald Queen"

"Captain America"

cute pumpkins
 We ended up having to do a little bit of clothes shopping for the kids since they decided (Caitlin especially) to have a major growth spurt over the summer. I may have to take the advice of a nurse I know and cut their food in half! After that we went to a brand new Halloween store that was CREEPY! Caitlin is tough as nails because she was not scared of anything.
Playing with a dead girl that has a sensor and CHASES you!

Hiding behind me
Dead girls face
 How could anyone think this is appropriate for kids?! I seriously was laughing so hard!

Dead girl turning around to chase Cait

Jayden still hiding

This one goes from laying down to sitting up and then her head spins all the way around

This girl swings back and forth singing "la la la"

This one starts out laying down, gets up and then...

turns his head around and screams!
Cait wants to go back. Jayden, not so much.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Late last week I decided that history would not be an everyday subject for us. The curriculum that I am using seems very fast paced and I do not feel like the kids have enough time to absorb everything they just learned before moving on. From now on, we will be going through history much slower and studying the vocabulary words to get a better grasp on what we are reading.

Otherwise, the transition back into school has been exciting! These kids amaze me.

"Hey, I'm not ready yet!"


He had to complete a sentence and made sure to use the word "butt" in there- hence his smile.
 Afterward, we went outside and the  kids rode their bikes.
Cait started shouting from across the yard that she had found a "Catapillow" who she named Earl.

Jayden reading us a bedtime story

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

School & Scavenger Hunts

We started off with our regular school work.

 Then we headed off to a library (out of our zone) for a homeschooling scavenger hunt. The librarian showed the children how to use the library.

 Touring the library

True to life size George Washington

Learning how to check out books using the self check out


 Returning books that they just checked out

Where the books go when you return them in the slot. There is a large machine there that sorts the books into bins based on the barcode.

Wall of something. I can't remember. Oops!

Miss Alissa teaching the children how to use the search feature on the computer

Cait relaxing!

She and I read this book together
 Then came the scavenger hunt. She listed 10 or 11 questions and the children either had to remember the answers from what they discussed or search the library for the answers.

First they had to introduce themselves to three librarians and write down their names.

Cait drew a picture of a librarian and gave her only one leg

Searching for books using the call numbers Miss Alissa listed

Miss Alissa helping Jayden with one of the questions
When they were all done, each child received a bookmark. Then we headed over to the rug to play with Rocky and Vinny for a few minutes.

We got home to two packages from one of their aunts. She got Cait a new bed set which she adores!

First smile on the girls face all day!
 And she got Jayden a Louisville personalized baseball bat!