Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 2!

Last night I stayed up later than I should have, putting together our lesson plan for the week. Obviously we don't all have the same workbooks but here is my lesson plan in case you wanted any ideas or in case you wanted to peek at what we were doing: Lesson Plan

I also put together our file folder with this weeks lessons (minus the larger workbooks). The last section contains printouts to be used in future lessons. All of our File Folder files go in our Friday slot with Fridays work since Fridays will be "File Folder Friday"!
File folder & Lesson plan folder

J was pretty eager for school today and breezed through- what I thought would be a 2 hour school day- in just one hour!

Here is how our day went:

Practicing writing the number 1- worksheet courtesy of Confessions of a Homeschooler

He memorized and drew pictures for our two "A" sight words

Rojo (or lojo according to J) means red in spanish

Practicing capital and lowercase A's

And he did an alphabet connect the dots page!

Miss Sassy C colored...

She counted her crayons (2, 3, 5, 8!)

And enjoyed a graham cracker!

The finished product!

At some point during J's spanish lesson C left the room. I went to check on her and found her doing this:

Sweet, right?

So I decided to sneak back out and let her read in peace. A few minutes later I hear gleeful squeals on the baby monitor. I went back in to check on her because I had a feeling she was up to no good... and I was right!

Coloring in a book!

I took away her crayons and she is still moping in her room 20 minutes later!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Our first day!

C was quite ornery today so I decided to get some work done with J while she napped. J knows all of the letters of the alphabet so right now we are focusing on the sounds of letters. This week is all about the letter A.

J also illustrated his very first book! It was, of course, an "A" book.*

*The anteater is courtesy of this website.

As soon as he finished his book, he said "Wow, I can't wait to show daddy! He will love it! We can read it together!"

On a normal day I plan on doing more than this. But today I am not feeling well so this will do!