Wednesday, October 5, 2016

History, Co-op, & Apple Picking

Continuing on with our Native American unit, Caitlin completed the Tlingit History Pocket.

We started co-op classes two weeks ago. One of Jayden's classes required him to fill out a resume and job application.

 At lunchtime the kids all played different versions of tag.
Here are the kids at creative writing. On the first day of class the kids all decorated their writing notebooks.
 Random picture of Caitlin at acro. She had to do push ups before she could leave.
We also went apple picking. We picked a bunch of yummy apples, went on a hayride, and made apple cake and apple butter!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

History, Karate, & Book Club

A couple of weeks ago we had an American Girl Club meeting. Cait and a group of other girls will be discussing the books, doing a craft, and best of all, having free play with their dolls.

Caitlin completed the Inuit portion of her history pocket.

Jayden started sparring classes and loves it! It is definitely a more intense workout, which leaves him super hungry and tired after class. I think my favorite part of this class is watching him encourage other people. <3

We also had our first book club meeting of the new school year and it was amazing! We had a great discussion on the characters. The kids wrote their own precepts on an easel. 

Friday, September 23, 2016

Field Trip- Ocean Discovery Day

Last week we took a field trip to learn more about ocean mapping, ecosystems, and more.

 The kids learned about the Japanese method of printing fish.

Caitlin held a dead fish. I died inside.
Here they were learning about throwing waste in our water and how long it takes to break down.

We learned about plate tectonics. The red dots represent volcanoes and the black ones are earthquakes. They also learned about the Ring of Fire, an area at the basin of the Pacific Ocean, where the most earthquakes and volcanoes happen.

They did a test to show how deep the ocean is in some parts and not in others.

There was a giant inflatable whale. The kids got to peek their heads inside and see the anatomy of the whale.

They used "blubber" bags on one hand, then placed both hands in ice cold water to see how fat keeps whales warm in the ocean.

And finally, they watched squids being dissected because neither of them had the stomach to do it themselves. I don't blame them. I was sitting far away.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Extra Curriculars

Last week this little lady started dance team. I can't believe how much she has grown!

This young man was ecstatic to pick up and try on his sparring gear! A picture of Jayden smiling for the camera is a rare thing!
He was super nervous his first day of sparring class and was worried he didn't belong there. He did amazing though! It was really intense but he managed to keep up with the rest of his class, just like I knew he would! 
Finally, they got their goggles for swimming class. They have been working on proper diving technique.