Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The last two weeks have been hectic here! We've all gotten sick- some of us more than once!

I knew things were taking a turn for the better when my iPad made it's way into rotation again. Here is Cait playing a math game!
Scrabble Jr & Monopoly Jr made its way out again! Thank goodness daddy was home and able to entertain the sick and grumpy!

Spanish classes are winding down for the term. The kids have learned words for clothing, body parts, numbers 1-20, seasons, and colors this term.


Jayden is taking a basic engineering class based on Legos called Brickapalooza. Last week they had their first meeting this year.

Over the weekend we stopped at the farmers market for our weekly shopping. We were surprised to find they had a ton going on! Our first stop was Santa and the Civil War booth.

Jayden was excited when he saw the Civil War table. The Civil War is his favorite war.

 He was beside himself when he got to hold a replica of a Civil War musket!

Caitlin got a Christmas tree painted on her face.

 Afterward we headed over to the craft table. A sweet volunteer helped J & C make Christmas ornaments and cards!

Finally we picked up our CSA share. Before we left we made a pit stop to one of our favorite tables at the market!
When we got home the kids decided they wanted to help me make homemade garlic breadsticks to go along with our dinner.

 We whipped out our "fancy" cups and filled them with sparkling cider and enjoyed a great dinner!

Monday, December 1, 2014


I can't believe it is already December. November was jam packed with loads of fun. It started out with Caitlin turning 6. We celebrated for days, as is customary to do in our household!

She is growing so quickly before our eyes, and we are all so thrilled to know this amazing little girl! She lost her second tooth in November and is working on her top front wiggly teeth.

In November we continued on with our usual swim lessons. They are strong swimmers. Jayden  has been swimming with no floats on for a while and Caitlin is nearly there.

They are both still in karate as well. They are working hard towards their next belt, yellow for Cait, orange for Jayden. Their belt test takes place in December.

In November we continued on with our usual studies. We also took some time to discuss the history of Thanksgiving during one of our Teatime Tuesdays.

We took the kids to see a play put on by children. It was awesome!

Jayden started a programming class taught by a fellow homeschooler as well. He went with Juan, hence the lack of pictures, but it was amazing to see him come home and work on binary counting with his dad.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at home before heading over to a friends house for more food, dessert, and a wonderful evening!

And finally, we ended November with our tradition of buying a Christmas tree. We are preparing for Christmas and the New Year!

Jayden and Caitlin are working on a couple of Lego ornaments that they want to add to our tree this year.

November included family game time, raft making (this was done on dads watch!), and library time, although not very much since Juan had vacation and the kids stayed with him.

Goodbye November, hello December!