Wednesday, September 10, 2014

First week of school down!

We started school on Monday, September 1st.

Apart from our regular math & language arts work, we jumped right back into our history book! Last week we read about life in early Crete. This is the beginning of our Greece unit, which means Jayden is super excited. We read about their "sport" (bull jumping), Theseus and the Minotaur, as well as what happened in Crete after Thera's volcano.

Jayden did some map work and they both colored a picture. They also worked on a maze (not pictured) that led Theseus to the minotaur.
Our first science unit began with weather. We read And now... the Weather by Anita Ganeri. We read about thermometers, rain gauges, and clouds.
Jayden is very excited to be learning cursive. His handwriting is so much better in cursive! The first full word he learned to write is dad.
 We both really like the Handwriting Without Tears program!
We have been spending lots of time at the library, which is such a peaceful time! We do school work there in the afternoon. We take turns reading to each other before we read to ourselves.

 This is my favorite picture from last week! <3

Saturday, August 30, 2014

2014-2015 Curriculum

This year I will be homeschooling a 3rd grader and a kindergartner!

We decided to change the names of all of our school subjects and use Harry Potter  terminology! So for the time being, this is what our curriculum will look like:


Arithmancy (MATH) daily
Math in Focus 3A & 3B textbooks & workbooks, as well as various manipulatives

Defense Against the Dark Arts (LANGUAGE ARTS) daily-
Growing with Grammar
Winning with Writing
Soaring with Spelling
HWOT- Cursive
Monthly writing club

Math in Focus 1A & 1B textbooks & workbooks, as well as various manipulatives

Defense Against the Dark Arts (LANGUAGE ARTS)-
Soaring with Spelling
Monthly writing club

Divination (CALENDAR WORK)-
Daily Learning Notebook (we will only use the "What Day Is It?" page)

Potions (SCIENCE) 2x/wk-
R.E.A.L Science Odyssey- Earth & Space 

Here is an excerpt from the website that talks about what we will be studying:
"Topics include weather, seasons, the earth, minerals, rocks, our solar system, and space. Students study the weather and atmosphere with several hands-on labs including making an anemometer, a rain gauge, and water cycle in a bowl. Rocks and minerals are studied in depth with students identifying their samples through the same tests used by geologists. Each planet in our solar system is studied individually as students make their own planet book. Earth & Space has recently been revised to include changes to the status of Pluto and the definition of planet."

Muggle Studies (HISTORY) 1x/wk-
SOTW (We got through half of this book last year so we will finish it up this year). Other materials include our handy dandy SOTW Activity Book, as well as History Pockets- Ancient Civilizations. This will also cover geography since we do map work as well.

Muggle Music (MUSIC) 1-2x/wk-
MusIQ Level 1

Muggle Language (SPANISH) daily-
J & C are enrolled in a weekly Spanish co-op homeschool class. Through games, stories, songs, and interactive activities our children will practice colors, numbers, common items, food, animals, clothing, days/ dates, greetings, and more! We will also practice with them daily at home.

Quidditch (SPORTS)-
Both children will continue karate. Caitlin will also do soccer.

Future sports TBD.
We also have a book list that we will get through this year.

Apart from LA and math, all other subjects will take place on an alternating schedule.

Caitlin will join us for science, spanish, music, and history (all at an appropriate level). Because she is not required to do anything for another year (kindergarten is not mandatory here), we will do as much or as little as she wants. She usually tends to want to do whatever Jayden is doing, which turns out great!

I think that's all! Stay tuned for any changes. :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Camp in May

In May we went to a homeschool camp day. We met up with old friends and made some new ones!

 Jayden surprised me by choosing to participate in a high ropes course. 

 Caitlin was too young so she participated in a lower ropes challenge course.

 A short little "nature walk" led us to a teeter totter. We worked on balancing it equally by having the kids move around until we were somewhat level.
Then the kids did their best to knock each other off balance. At one point it was kids vs. adults!
We played various games such as bumper pool and even went tube sliding. It was pretty chilly so we split up. Cait decided to work on some art while I sat by a fire warming up. Jayden stayed outside playing with Juan until it was time to go.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Karate Belt Promotion

I apologize in advance for the pic overload, but I am so proud of my babies! They have worked SUPER hard, practicing their karate moves in and out of the dojo. They were finally presented with the opportunity to test for their next belt.

 There were many other students there testing for their next belt as well.

The belt testing took 3-4 hours, but I barely noticed the length of time because I was so amazed at how well everyone was doing. 

The Lil Dragons had a focus test where they had to remain absolutely still despite people trying to distract them. One of the black belts said Cait was the first person ever not to fall for his tricks. She stayed with her dead straight face and stiff pose the whole time!


 Jayden has been working really hard on his balance and swift, sharp movements. It really showed during his belt test. He has been doing amazing!!

In the end the students had to do pushups for what seemed like an awfully long time while the black belts decided who had earned their next belt.

As a Lil Dragon, Caitlin was presented with her camo belt.

 Jayden was presented with his yellow belt.

  Total proud mama here!
 We tried to get a group picture of the students from our class who had been promoted.