Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Pumpkin Cookies!

Sometimes school is about being silly. Jayden was doing a grammar worksheet and decided to use the word "butt" in one of his sentences.
 This is his reaction when I read his sentence out loud.

 After school we baked some pumpkin spice cookies. We added in chocolate chips, for fraction purposes of course, and enjoyed them with milk!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Fall Craft

Recently the kids went with May to work on a fall craft. All pictures are courtesy of her! :)
Jayden disgusted with how the brown paint looked

 Using paintbrushes so their fingers wouldn't get dirty from the glue.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Trick or Treat!

A few days before Halloween Juan's job allowed the kids to come trick or treat for a few hours. We walked around and met some of his coworkers, got candy, got tattoos, decorated a cookie, and watched a movie.

Jayden was Leonardo and Caitlin decided she wanted to be a rockstar. She put together her ensemble herself!

Juan's setup for trick or treaters

We stopped about 3/4 of the way through because their baskets were too full and neither wanted to carry their bags anymore.
 The kids got henna tattoos. 

 They decorated a cookie with icing, sprinkles, and candy corn. (Diabetes anyone?!)

They were ECSTATIC! They have been asking to go to their dad's job for a year already and were so happy to get this opportunity. We had a lot of fun!

A few days later we went trick or treating with friends in their neighborhood and they nearly filled their baskets up again. Jayden is Leonardo again, and Caitlin is a Barbie.

 They accumulated a MASSIVE amount of candy!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Costume Party

We went to a costume party before Halloween. The kids were dressed as Leonardo, a knight, and Rapunzel.

Bean bag toss
Each child had a donut on a string and was SUPPOSED to eat it sans hands. Needless to say, everyone cheated! It was a hard game though!

 There was a TON of sugar at this party! So there was a lot of running...

 some crying...

and costume changes (thanks to Vanessa who brought over extra costumes from Vinny's birthday party!)

The kids had a wonderful time!