Friday, September 28, 2012


Mornings usually look like this. Before Juan goes to work (weather permitting) he takes both children outside to practice baseball. On Thursday evening's practice, it was freezing!

 On Saturday
 On Saturday Jayden had another game. I may have overdressed us a bit because of the weather during the last game.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ambulance Tour

Last week we went on a field trip to take a tour of an ambulance. This was set up by Patrick and Carolyn.

We haven't seen Olivia and Owen in over a week or more so the kids were happy to see each other.
Jayden hugged her back, he was just caught off guard!
 Taking a tour of where the ambulances are parked.

 The kids all got to try on neck braces and arm casts.

 They saw stretchers and the lounge where the paramedics hung out.

 Then they got to try the seat lift and go inside of the ambulance.

All of the kids minus Cait
 Cait was still sick and crabby so she went to the car toward the end and played Angry Birds

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

School days

This is pretty much what our school week looked like every day last week. Math, spelling, grammar, reading, reading, and more reading!

Cait grabbed a ruler and started measuring random toys in the house. she LOVES this website