Thursday, August 16, 2012

Science Center

We recently took a family trip to the See Science Center. The kids had a really great time!

We saw two dragon flies getting down on the steps! Cait was freaking out asking what kind of bug it was. I told her it was two dragon flies hugging. She thought it was sweet.

There is a massive lego city with a train and water. Jayden has decided he is getting a huge house so he can make this.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


This week we met up with some friends at the indoor playground.

Cait got some paintings on by a new person working there. At first Cait was pissed that her beloved teacher Becky wasn't at her usual post. But Alex was very kind and quickly made a friend in Cait with her flour station, drawings, and really fun disposition!


Jayden and Olivia were really adorable! Olivia was pregnant with a baby triceratops and Jayden attended her baby shower.
 They also spent some time doing arts and crafts.

Driving Cait around...

and making her crash into walls!

I could have sworn Jayden was in this shot when I snapped it, but here is Vinny who was chasing him!

Jayden trying to put a hat on Rocky!

We wanted to go peach picking at a local farm but when we got there we were told that there wasn't a good crop this season so there was no "pick-your-own" anything!

We did get to see the animals there.

 The kids got to feed the goats!