Sunday, June 10, 2012

Strawberry Picking

We went strawberry picking this week with Vanessa, Vinny, and Rocky. These are seriously the best strawberries we have ever eaten.

 We checked out the animals on the farm first.

"Mom, can we please leave now? These pigs stink!"


 Thank goodness for galoshes! I think they walked (or jumped, in Cait's case) through every puddle!



 Strawberry juice all over their mouths!

 We had a LOT of fun and will definitely be heading back to the farm when the peaches are ready to be picked!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Random pictures

Some random pictures from this week:

Super Why

Watching tv in my room

Quiz time

Art time

These legos are always everywhere!

Sneaking my coffee

 One morning the kids ran around dressed like this. Jayden was a spy named John Carter and Caitlin was a spy named Diaper Man.

 Idk what the hell Juan was supposed to be.

 Daddy making the Kai Lan doll tickle Jayden.
 Playing restaurant with daddy.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Our days of the smaller co-op are coming to a close for the summer. We only have one more week until it's over. We will be reapplying for September. 

The kids worked on math in a very creative way. Carolyn set up papers with numbers or addition problems. Once the kids solve the addition problem, or recognized the number, they had to count out that amount of stickers and place them in the box.

Jayden worked on an addition worksheet. He can now regroup in math! :)

J & C drew themselves on the chalkboard

 The kids made towers with unifix cubes

Cait measured Carolyn
 The kids made a baby with Jayden's pillow. His name is Jack. Jack wears a chef hat and an apron for clothes, and has a Star Wars sword and a pickle for arms. They love Jack,