Thursday, June 7, 2012


Our days of the smaller co-op are coming to a close for the summer. We only have one more week until it's over. We will be reapplying for September. 

The kids worked on math in a very creative way. Carolyn set up papers with numbers or addition problems. Once the kids solve the addition problem, or recognized the number, they had to count out that amount of stickers and place them in the box.

Jayden worked on an addition worksheet. He can now regroup in math! :)

J & C drew themselves on the chalkboard

 The kids made towers with unifix cubes

Cait measured Carolyn
 The kids made a baby with Jayden's pillow. His name is Jack. Jack wears a chef hat and an apron for clothes, and has a Star Wars sword and a pickle for arms. They love Jack,

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Legos & Tball

The kids love playing with legos. For Christmas, Santa brought Jayden a 1600 piece set.

Jayden built a lego dog as a pet for his lego man

Cait built him a bed and an airplane
 Jayden had a tball game.
stretching before the game


Coach helps him stand correctly

Hit! Running to 1st base.

Good game handshake

Saturday, June 2, 2012

A Traditional School Day

Cait working on her penmanship
Jayden working on his LA

Mommy let me show you the abacus. 2 orange plus 2 yellow equals 4!

Jayden working on math
Who says an abacus is only for math?
It is also a concert stage for My Little Pony & Lion-O who are doing a duet!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bug Hunt!

Earlier this week we went over to Vanessa's house for a bug hunt. Vanessa is really into nature- something I am not, so we are grateful to have her for this part of science!

I stayed away as much as possible but we did look through Vanessa's bug books to identify the bugs she caught with them.

Checking out an egg in Vanessa's yard- possibly a snake egg.



Searching for salamanders

Vanessa found one for Jayden

Amanda turning over rocks with Jayden to find bugs

An ant hill Jayden and I found, thanks to Vinny showing us "where to find the good bugs"

An absolutely disgusting long worm trying to slither out of the carton

Grace helping Jayden get dirt and leaves for the salamander

Jayden picking up the salamander to put it in the dirt

Jayden showing me an ant he picked up
Vanessa and Cait checking out the snake egg again
Thanks for having us over for the bug hunt Vanessa!