Saturday, January 7, 2012

Back to swimming!

This week has been a hectic week. Coming back from our weekend in NY meant trying to go back to our normal schedule! Neither of the kids feel well, which is happening much more frequently than usual! This change of weather sucks! Mother Nature, pick a season and stick with it for a few months please!

Meanwhile, Jayden is back at swimming. He is in a larger class this time, 5 children altogether. And he is the only boy!

 This week has consisted mainly of playing with Christmas toys.


May loaned Jayden Hayzel's DS while Hayzel was in swim class!

And there was lots of rest since there are some of us who don't feel so well these days!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

This week!

This week we had a meetup with Olivia at the library to see some interesting animals! We saw a chinchilla, a screaming armadillo (who managed to escape a few times!), a possum, an ugly hairy chicken, and a naked guinea pig!

 The kids LOVE their tags!

 Cait decided to get dressed up for school

 And when I went to clean up their room, I found this! Apparently, Woody Bear is a doctor and Mickey Mouse was sick! I love when I see little things like this!!