Last week we took a field trip to learn more about ocean mapping, ecosystems, and more.
The kids learned about the Japanese method of printing fish.
Caitlin held a dead fish. I died inside.
Here they were learning about throwing waste in our water and how long it takes to break down.
We learned about plate tectonics. The red dots represent volcanoes and the black ones are earthquakes. They also learned about the Ring of Fire, an area at the basin of the Pacific Ocean, where the most earthquakes and volcanoes happen.
They did a test to show how deep the ocean is in some parts and not in others.
There was a giant inflatable whale. The kids got to peek their heads inside and see the anatomy of the whale.
They used "blubber" bags on one hand, then placed both hands in ice cold water to see how fat keeps whales warm in the ocean.
And finally, they watched squids being dissected because neither of them had the stomach to do it themselves. I don't blame them. I was sitting far away.