Friday, November 8, 2013

The End of Sports

In the last couple of weeks the kids finished up football and soccer.

 The boys were super excited and had to run 3 laps because they kept fooling around.

 This is Jayden on lap 3.
 This boy got in my shot as Jayden received his medal. Boo!

 A final team huddle.
 Gooooo Patriots!

Soccer ended the following day. While football is completely done, soccer is only done until the spring.  

 This kick ended in a goal. Of course I didn't catch a picture of it.
 Goooo Bobcats!!
Karate is still going every week. Jayden got the new uniform he wanted. 
 The class was also split up into two groups. Cait earned a spot with the big kid class! 
 Jayden had to do 50 push ups for running into the mirror after he was told not to.

I am glad things are winding down for us for the winter! Although Cait wants to join gymnastics and Jayden wants to try archery...

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Party time! (2 of 2)

As I said over a week ago (sorry for my absence!), we had THREE Halloween parties in October.

The first party was at the kids' karate school.

Cait was a ballerina

Jayden was a soldier
 We took a walk through the "haunted house".
 The kids played "musical mats".

We also went on a walk through a corn maze that night with some friends. Juan scared me and I screamed. That scared an already jittery Jayden. He decided he doesn't want to do the corn maze next year.

Trick or treating started early for us. We went to Juan's job for a Halloween family day!

After trick or treating, we went to the cafeteria for a decorate-your-own-cookie-with-as-much-sugary-shit-as-possible extravaganza.

 Of course it was eaten with some juice!

The kids watched movies while they ate their cookie.
 The kids also got some airbrushed tattoos. 
They got an INSANE amount of candy. I combined all of their candy together. This is the "to keep" pile (only 1/3 of their haul!)

And finally, we attended an awesome homeschool Halloween party!

Jayden bobbed for apples!

 They TP'd the tree.
 Kids were wrapped up into mummies.

 We all sat around the campfire eating roasted hotdogs and marshmellows.

October was a great month!