Wednesday, April 15, 2015

First Half of April

We are halfway through April and we have been SO busy, as usual!

Here are the kids at their gym class:

The day before Easter we went to a town Easter egg hunt. It was COLD! They had fun collecting eggs though.
 On Easter we had our own Easter egg hunt at home.
 Unfortunately the kids weren't feeling too well. This is what our Easter looked like:

After a nap Caitlin seemed a little better. I downloaded a math app for Caitlin called Medieval Math Battle. She loves it!
 Jayden is still really into Legos. This is one of his creations from April.
I had a school project to do and I had to visit an art museum. I took the kids with me and, surprisingly, we all had a great time!

After our art trip the kids did some painting of their own. 

A homeschooling friend recommended a math program called Beast Academy. This math curriculum has a textbook that is set up comic book style. It teaches concepts in a cute and funny way, while still doing a thorough job explaining each topic logically. The workbooks are full of puzzles, mazes, and other challenges to get kids to think outside the box. So far Jayden LOVES it. He actually asked to do EXTRA math work!

  The kids also earned new stripes on their karate belts!

The weather is FINALLY starting to warm up! We spent an afternoon at the park, enjoying the first day outside without coats in what felt like 8,000 days!

We stopped at Home Depot for something and found a bunch of starter plants on sale. We plan on having our own little garden this summer so we grabbed some and temporarily have them on our window sill.
And finally, Jayden started floor hockey! I love watching him step out of his comfort zone to try new things! <3

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