Friday, September 23, 2016

Field Trip- Ocean Discovery Day

Last week we took a field trip to learn more about ocean mapping, ecosystems, and more.

 The kids learned about the Japanese method of printing fish.

Caitlin held a dead fish. I died inside.
Here they were learning about throwing waste in our water and how long it takes to break down.

We learned about plate tectonics. The red dots represent volcanoes and the black ones are earthquakes. They also learned about the Ring of Fire, an area at the basin of the Pacific Ocean, where the most earthquakes and volcanoes happen.

They did a test to show how deep the ocean is in some parts and not in others.

There was a giant inflatable whale. The kids got to peek their heads inside and see the anatomy of the whale.

They used "blubber" bags on one hand, then placed both hands in ice cold water to see how fat keeps whales warm in the ocean.

And finally, they watched squids being dissected because neither of them had the stomach to do it themselves. I don't blame them. I was sitting far away.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Extra Curriculars

Last week this little lady started dance team. I can't believe how much she has grown!

This young man was ecstatic to pick up and try on his sparring gear! A picture of Jayden smiling for the camera is a rare thing!
He was super nervous his first day of sparring class and was worried he didn't belong there. He did amazing though! It was really intense but he managed to keep up with the rest of his class, just like I knew he would! 
Finally, they got their goggles for swimming class. They have been working on proper diving technique.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Wild Explorers - Elk Badge

The kids are working on earning their Elk Badge in their Wild Explorers Club.

Their assignment last week:

"Caring for others is also about caring for the environment around you. This week, find a safe place away from traffic and clean up the trash others have left behind. You'll need a plastic garbage bag along with gloves. Bring your family or friends along to make it fun and safe. You are becoming a "Trash Warrior!"

We headed off to a local park and the kids spent half an hour picking up trash.

 Once they were done, they played for a bit in the park.

It was pretty hot and muggy out so our trip was short, but they had fun!

Thursday, September 15, 2016


Cait and I started the American Girl girl series last week. We completed the first book and she loved it! We are now working our way through the second book.
She began working on her lapbook.
We mapped out where the Native Americans lived during that time and labeled it on the map.
To better understand Kaya's life, we will be studying Native Americans. Caitlin completed the first Native American unit from History Pockets: Native Americans.

After reading about the Inuit tribe, she labeled the map with her "shelter stamp", showing where the Inuit mostly lived. With each new tribe we learn about, she will be adding their shelter stamp to the appropriate spot.
She is working on a comparison chart of the Native Americans we will be learning about. We will compare and contrast the clothing, food, and shelter of each tribe we study. She filled in the Inuit portion.
She is also working on a Native American picture dictionary. 
Finally, she cut, colored, and glued together her history pocket on the Inuit tribe.

We've been reading about the Nez Perce tribe and Chief Joseph.

 Caitlin did an activity on Chief Joseph on Brain Pop Jr.
She learned new vocabulary words that helped her better understand what she was reading in the books.
 She also created a picture of Chief Joseph, delivering a message to people today.

Jayden has been working hard in history as well. His work involves a lot of independent reading, answering questions, fun writing assignments, and map work. In order for me to feel somewhat in the loop with his history, he reads to me from his books.

 Last week he learned about Africa and it's neighbors. He read about the struggle Africans faced to keep their land from being invaded by Dutch farmers known as Boers, who were in search of a different place to live after the British seized their land. 

 He also read about David Livingstone and his fight to end the slave trade.
 One of his assignments included writing a journal entry from Livingstone's perspective.
 Finally, he had to label his map and work on filling in what the map key said.