Monday, December 22, 2014


This week we have continued with our Ancient Greece unit. We reviewed the terms monotheist and polytheist.
We read a myth called "The Golden Apple". In this myth Zeus wanted to lower the population on Earth so he caused an argument between several Goddesses over who was the most beautiful. He sent the Goddesses to Earth in order to settle their dispute. There they had a mortal named Paris, who was supposedly the most handsome male on Earth, decide who would win the Golden Apple, and thus be known as the most beautiful one. Each of them made promises to Paris should he pick them. He selected Aphrodite, causing the other Goddesses to be furious. Aphrodite's gift to him was the most beautiful mortal woman named Helen. Helen instantly fell in love with Paris and they ran off to live in Troy. Unfortunately Helen was already married to the king of Greece, Menelaus. King Menelaus called on the Gods to battle beside him and win his wife back. Some of the Gods and Goddesses fought on King Menelaus' side while others fought on Troy's side, leading to the Trojan War.

Jayden labeled a map of Greece.
 Both kids worked on a word search using words from The Golden Apple myth.

 They also colored a picture of Aphrodite and Zeus.
And finally, we checked out this list with a list of the Gods & Goddesses of Greece.

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