Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Library & Legos!

Jayden participated in an art class that meets once a month. He learned about abstract art. Parents don't go in the class and Jayden was not interested in having me there (*sigh*) so Cait and I hung out in the library while we waited. Once they were done we walked over to the room and saw the kids chit chatting.

Jayden explaining to me what abstract art is)
Jayden said he created a hot air balloon with a machine gun turret on top. I have to be honest and I don't know where the eff he sees that, but hey, I guess he gets the concept of "abstract art", right?
 Jayden also had his Lego class. He and Hayzel were partners that day, working on something. I wasn't there so I have an excuse for my lack of detail.
What I can tell you was it had something to do with gears and hammers.The boys each built a part of the hammer and had to see how many times they had to tap something or other for something to happen. Like I said, I wasn't there.
Cait doesn't get to participate (she is too young), but she tags along and sits in the back with some form of entertainment.


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