Monday, October 4, 2010

Third week of school!

Today is overcast and cold. That means a more than usual tired J. That also means a cranky J. I was going to just skip school today and try tomorrow but he kept asking for it so we gave it a go. Thankfully it was a short day of work because, even though I tried to tell him we could try again tomorrow, he didn't want to hear it! I have no clue where this kid gets his stubborn attitude from ;-)
Spanish color of the week!

C was very much into Jacks Big Music Show

Then she wanted me to take a picture of her new babies
And lastly, my husband and I decided we would try implementing a new form of discipline for J. He has started going through a phase where he thinks money grows on trees so we decided he would have to start earning money through outstanding behavior and good decisions coupons. After a day of outstanding behavior he earns a $1 coupon.
For good decisions he earns 25¢
He will be rewarded with his money after redeeming his coupons every Friday. Each coupon will be given if he is "caught" making good decisions/ behaving. He will not be bribed with it. For example, if he is misbehaving or making bad decisions, I won't remind him of his coupons, nor will I say "You won't get your coupon if you don't ___." His coupons will not be taken away either since it is something he has already earned. We want to teach him that good behavior goes noticed and that he will have to earn "play" money, things won't just be given to him. With his money he can purchase whatever he'd like. He can only earn 1 Good Behavior coupon a day, but he can earn as many Good Decision coupons as he deserves in a day.

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