Thursday, September 30, 2010


Today was a very windy, rainy, chilly day outside. This type of weather usually leads to some tired kidlets who are very into snuggling. But today was different because daddy was home early (due to a stomach virus). That meant distracted kids!

We still managed to get work done but it took longer than usual because J wasn't very focused until the end. At one point we went to his room because the distractions were overwhelming.

We started off with some workbook activities:
Then we switched rooms to work in J's bedroom to concentrate better:


Both he and I were very proud and impressed by how nicely he was able to write the letter Bb with not much practice this week.

We then switched back to our normal classroom section to work on our seasons book. He was very focused during this part because he asked me if we could make a book today. He is always ecstatic when he knows we are making a book.

We cut these pictures out of a magazine that came in the mail today! We cut out outfits for each season, J drew what the trees look like during each season and he gave me some words describing what we do/ wear during that season, as well as his favorite day (if he had one) of the season.
His seasons book suffered a little mishap when he used the hole puncher a little too close to the edge so I let him staple it and the words got a bit cut off. BUT he is extremely proud of his book and loves it! He even used it as reading material in the bathroom today!!

Little Ms. C was not pictured during our lessons today because if she wasn't being a distraction, she was with daddy wreaking havoc in a different part of the house!

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