We haven't had much snowfall this year, which is a bummer and a blessing after last year! We did have just enough to go snowboarding one week before co-op.
J & C also joined a cooking based nutrition program. They focus on the importance of nutrition, healthy eating, and the basics of cooking and food safety. They also come home every week with new ingredients to try their recipes out at home.
We continue to make weekly trips to the library. We are learning about China right now and took out many books about it last week!
We are working on a new project at our DIY co-op. The kids are re-enacting the first scene of the first Star Wars movie. They each have a role- as an an actor/actress, director, film editor, or camerman/camerwoman.
The book we read for book club for the month of January was The Pushcart War. We met at the end of January to discuss it.
We had a great time discussing the book, including the wordplay on characters' names and how ethical they were or weren't!
The kids all made hats like one of the characters in the story (Frank the Flower)
We also had lots of yummy book inspired treats, including homemade donuts and hot cocoa. The kids also got some target practice in with darts, also inspired by the book!