Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Jayden's birthday- Pt 2

Later on in the week Jayden went to see The Muppets. His final request for his birth week celebration was to go to a museum. We went to the Children's Museum of New Hampshire.

Jayden was instantly drawn to the Lego section. You had to build your own car and race it down the track (behind him). 


Caitlin and Juan tried to move these tubes to get the ball going in the direction she wanted them to go. 
 Jayden was pretty disenchanted with 3¢ stamps costing a dime! 

 I'm not going to lie... this phone scared me a little.


Cait and I made a Japanese fan. Her face after she saw the finished product was priceless. I guess it didn't look the way she expected it to.
This machine needed coins to make music. Jayden took one look at it and said "Man, these people are such thieves!" He is pretty frugal when it comes to money.
 The kids got to be on tv!

 They got to steer a boat and raise the sail.

 They took turns driving a train too.
 We headed over to the music station where they played various instruments.
 They also tried on masks from Japan, Africa, & Mexico.

 Jayden's face imprint.

 Jayden found Christmas Island!

 As we left we saw horses, which Caitlin pet, but Jayden did not!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Jayden's birthday Part 1

While I took a hiatus from the blog, Jayden turned 8! Family came over and helped make his birthday special! <3 In true Tania fashion, I made sure this little boy celebrated his birthday all week long!

Blue chocolate chip pancakes at the birthday boys request:
 He played video games and Legos:

He is very in to Minecraft, and I am sooooo not crafty. So we ordered a cake, which we requested to look like a grass block from the game. Then we bought all of the "action figures" that we could find.
 His face when he saw his cake:


The day after our family left, Jayden had a friend come spend the night. Of course, video games were involved.
 The next morning we all went to play at an arcade.

We also took him to play laser tag. We did boys vs. girls. The boys won, but in our defense, someone on our team didn't understand the concept of hiding and shooting. (cough *Caitlin* cough)