Cait is always super nervous to have her face wet in the pool. She is fine in the bathtub but she gets nervous in the pool because "the water is so big!" So we have been talking a lot about pool safety and how I would jump right into the pool with all of my clothes on if she needed me to. She thought this was a silly idea and laughed. But apparently it was just what she needed because look who got her face wet!
Miss Scarlett was shocked and had to come over and say "Wow! Look who got her face wet!"
Of course after saying she hasn't been into worksheets (courtesy of Education Creations) lately, this week Cait begged me for some! ('scuze the bedhead. She wasn't interested in glamming it up for the camera!)
Jayden worked on his usual subjects. In Geography he learned the parts of a mountain. We also reviewed the parts of a hill.
In Science he worked on a worksheet where he had to identify the solids, liquids, and gases and paste them in their correct category.
He also asked his dad what the difference was between a monkey and an ape. Together they used the magic of internet to find their answer! (<--click the link to find out for yourself)
We headed off to the library to return books and to pick up new ones.
I told Jayden we needed to select someone to study about this month for Black History Month. He requested Venom (Spiderman with the black suit). Hmmm, not exactly what I had in mind! I told him I would gladly get books on Venom, but I wanted to also think of someone else. He excitedly decided on Barak Obama, our 44th president. So we borrowed Barack Obama Out of Many, One by Shana Corey and Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope by Nikki Grimes from the library. By the end of the month we will complete a lapbook on President Obama.
Meanwhile there is a certain little lady who decided today she is desperate to learn to read. She doesn't know all of the sounds each letter makes but she insists on learning "today mommy!" She is very frustrated that we can all read and she can not. So we bought her a super simple series called Bob Books First.
She will also be going to a weekly class with other preschoolers once a week for 30 minutes. She is very excited about it!