As if I'm not crazy enough, we joined a weekly story time at our local library.
Miss Something or Other The librarian talked to the kids about friends, friendship, and what it all meant. She asked the children if they had friends. Cait raised her hand and said "Hayzel is my friend!" The librarian asked, "What makes him a good friend?" and Cait said, "Well, I don't know. He makes me 100 ANGRY! But he's still my friend!" (She thinks 100 is the biggest number there is). Everyone thought that was funny, except Jayden, who shook his head in embarrassment. He thinks little sisters can be embarrassing sometimes.
A little boy named Wyatt said he had a friend that had "a big tummy" which got a lot of laughs too.
The librarian read a couple of stories she selected about friendship.
She got the kids up and dancing to some songs that the kids insist we should do everyday (too bad I can't remember the lyrics!)
Then she read a couple more stories.
Finally, she used a felt board with felt cutouts of fish and ocean plants and made up another friendship story. Hopefully the kids got the point: be a good friend or the bigger fish will eat you. Well, that was the point in the felt board story.
After story time, we went to the childrens section of the library where Cait was ecstatic to find a rocking chair. She immediately plopped her teeny butt on it and announced, "Look mom, I'm a grandma!" I guess little sisters
can be embarrassing sometimes..