We have been trying to make use of our games during this heatwave. The kids LOVE playing memory.
We tried playing Hedbanz, but Cait kept telling us what we were.
On one of the groups I belong to, someone posted a fabulous website,
Cookie.com, with interactive games that work perfectly for Cait. They have educational games and worksheets for Pre-K up to first grade. They also have a TON of worksheets.
Jayden is still doing his schoolwork, and excelling as always. We are currently working our way through a trial membership at
ReadingEggs.com. Jayden tested at a 3.1 reading level- which means he reads at the level of a 3rd grader in their first month of reading. While I very much like the site, I do not think it will work out for us. This site requires his reading and language arts to be at the same level in order for it to benefit him. Even though he reads at a third grade level, he is currently at appx a second grade level for LA. I am elated at his progress though. This is all from a boy who just learned to read in April 2011. And he is not even officially in first grade yet!
I just got a new desktop so the laptop will soon be set up at their desk for school. I am excited that they will have their own station to work at!