Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Back at it!

So life has been hectic! We were out Thursday and I was going to have school Friday even though we are usually "off" on Fridays. Then C woke up and was feverish all weekend. J mostly played educational games for school but we did do some reviews orally.

Today we were back at our regular schedule, only we have a new addition to the mix!

Here was J hard at work today:

I didn't get my usual amount of pics from each lesson because my camera battery died. My cell phone doesn't take good pics (as you can see in the first pic) so I didn't take many with it. Now I have to recharge my camera for tomorrows lessons!

Today J worked on the sound of the letter D, he practiced writing Dd, practiced writing the number 6, learned the spanish color for black, and reviewed his left and right, the sounds of letters A-C, and all of the spanish colors we have learned so far. It was busy school-wise, and he STILL wanted to do more work!

Here is the diva, asleep, with the newest member of the family, Cleo!

Cleo was homeschooled today too! Lesson of the day: Don't chew the kids toys! Let's see if it sunk in tomorrow! =)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Another gaming day!

I made today another gaming day. This is what J worked on today:

 And Ms. Diva is running around today with a tutu and paired it with accessories of her choosing which included one sock, 2 hair bands and a tiara.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Laid back Tuesday

I completely forgot about this nifty gadget we got for J. We made today a relaxed learning day. He felt like he got to play a game when in reality, he was learning! This is the gadget! We went through the letters we already learned and practiced writing them, as well as their sounds. We also went through most of the letters because J asked if we could.

And of course, here he is!
He looks so grown up here!!

And, of course, our daily dose of diva!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Monday!

Friday we took the day off since daddy was home. Today we did the work we were scheduled to do last Friday!

J reviewed numbers 2-5

 We went over our C words (J took this picture!)

J drew crescents and hearts

And we made a book of J's faces with different emotions. Once it dries I will take more pics for tomorrows blog!

We completed everything before the littlest monster woke up from her nap! So no pics of her!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Better late than never!

Late in posting today's (well technically yesterdays) school day.

J is really loving school. He asks for work daily and does it without any problems whatsoever! He is grasping things quickly. He's such a smart boy!

As per our topic this week, we practiced writing Cc's and working on its sound, as well as the numbers 4 & 5!


This evening we went out to run a few errands and I snapped these shots of them because they are so darn cute!

I also received an email yesterday from G with a really wonderful quote that I plan on printing out and putting up on our cork board.

Each day we make deposits in the memory banks of our children.
~Charles Swindoll

I would love nothing more than to be the ideal mom, but life happens and I am human. All I can do is try again and again until I get it right. I want their memory banks to be full of happy things. Here is hoping that from now on every tomorrow is better than today.