Tuesday, February 5, 2013


This time I checked the local school district and made sure school was in session. Good right?

Uh, no.

Apparently I should have checked the bordering state. MA students local to our indoor playground had a 1/2 day. Crap.

There were some older boys launching toys at other people. These boys were at least Jayden's age. Old enough to know that wasn't ok. I tried removing my kids from whatever section they were in but they seemed to gravitate toward us. Not cool. I tried to leave but the kids did not want to go. Another mother trying to play with her children got really upset when a plastic roasted chicken got aimed her way and barely missed Jayden's face.

Uh, no.

She asked them where their mother was but got no answer. I finally asked them to please stop throwing things because they were going to hurt someone. What I really wanted to say was something totally inappropriate but I decided against it. They ended up running to a different section thank goodness.

Meanwhile we got there early enough to do a fun creative movement class.  The kids started off listening for the animals mentioned in the song. Then they had to imitate the animal.

Jayden was unsure at first but once he heard the music he was out. He said, "Mommy, I prefer rock and roll music!"

So my girl danced her little buns around the room. She was everything from a bunny to a snake, from an elephant to a mouse.

 They also played freeze dance.

 We played "check out"

 They ran up the dinosaur climbing structure and slid down the slide.

Cait put on a puppet show while we watched.

 Her puppets were violent.

Then we watched Jayden's puppet show. 

 It was violent too.

 They got dressed in various costumes in an attempt to put on a play. 

 Then they disappeared before ACT I.

 I love this giant sized chalk board!
 Jayden made a story. "I went to space. I saw the Sun and Saturn. The End."
 Then Miss Sarah read the kids a story about beetles.

 And the kids did a stamp and coloring activity.

Monday, February 4, 2013


Even though we have our own spelling book, I have been looking for more challenging and fun ways to build Jayden's vocabulary and make him an even better speller. I recently received an email giving me the opportunity to try something new at SpellingCity.com*. Hopefully Jayden likes it!

*I've been given a Premium Membership to VocabularySpellingCity.com for a candid, personal, online review.
VocabularySpellingCity helps students study word lists using 25 different learning activities such as Unscramble, Hangman, WordFind, and Crossword Puzzle. Parents can create their own spelling lists, find published lists already available on the site, or use any of dozens of free teaching resources on topics such as Analogies and Syllables. Be sure to come back in three weeks to read about my experience.
There might be more free memberships available for bloggers. If you're interested, find out how you can review VocabularySpellingCity.com.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

This week we are working on proper nouns in Grammar.

In Spelling Jayden worked on filling in the missing spelling words and word building.

Moving right along in Geography we are now focused on landforms and bodies of water. 
 First up are hills and mountains.
And this little lunatic was playing Dora on her leappad.

Our board is ready for Valentines Day!

Friday, February 1, 2013

My amazing boy!

Have I ever mentioned how much I love the kids' swim teacher? Seriously, every week all of the parents mention at least once how Miss Scarlett is so fabulous and there is no one else they will let teach their child(ren). I'm so on board with that. She is AMAZING!

You know who else is even more amazing?! My boy Jayden!!!!!!! He got to swim with NO FLOATS this week!

He started off with one incredibly loose float tied around his waist.

 This little lady watched him.

Work it buddy!
 This little lady smiled!

That splash was Jayden diving into the pool

Then I watched as Miss Fabulous Scarlett took off his float. He saw her do it. He raised his arms to let her take it off! But I guess it didn't register with him. He "chicken, star, squeezed" (Miss Scarlett's description of the swimming technique)  his tiny hiney over to the deep end.
  He was owning that pool!
He went back and forth from the deep end to the shallow end two full times before he realized he was floatless.
"Jayden I want you to go back to the shallow end doing <insert the name of some technique here>," said Miss Fabulous Scarlett.
Jayden, who was treading water in the deep end, frantically searched for his float before he finally sputtered, "Wait! Where's my float?! I need it!"

And Miss Fabulous Scarlett told him "You can have it back if you want but do you realize you've been swimming without it this whole time?"

And a huge smile came across that boys face! He was so proud of himself.We are SOOO proud of him. This was a boy who last year could not swim AT ALL!!!!! And he had several months off this year. And, and, and... well he is just amazing! <3
He continued owning that pool floatless. Then he told everyone he could think of about his latest accomplishment.

And as Jayden went with his daddy to get dressed, Little Miss Sunshine and I stood back and watched the senior citizen class do some water exercises. Cait even danced with them.
 She got really into it until she realized the class was watching her and calling her beautiful.
Then she was too shy to continue!